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Call for Letters of Interest from MIM Africa

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Call for Letters of Interest
Multilateral Initiative on Malaria in Africa (MIM)
Research grant applications to be considered in March 2009

Submission deadline: 15 September 2008

The Multilateral Initiative on Malaria was created with the overarching goal to strengthen and sustain the capability of malaria endemic countries in Africa to carry out research required to develop or improve tools for malaria control1. The United Nations Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) at the World Health Organization in Geneva coordinate the MIM research capacity strengthening grant programme.

TDR's current vision and strategy is designed to "foster an effective global research effort on infectious diseases of poverty in which endemic countries play a pivotal role". Details of the new strategy and the business plan can be found on the TDR website at: . MIM/TDR grants are administered within the frame work of the TDR strategy and Empowerment business line. The overall objective of this business line is to develop excellence and leadership in health research and decision making so that high quality institutional and national systems can identify and manage research priorities.

Since 1998, the MIM/TDR programme has awarded 70 research grants to 59 principal investigators in 19 sub Saharan countries. These research grants have generated new knowledge on malaria and improved control strategies; enhanced the research environment and infrastructure; and in some cases evolved to become components of global research networks supported by other organizations. The results from these research grants have been documented in over 100 scientific peer reviewed publications2.

MIM/TDR works with the MIM secretariat at AMANET, Tanzania ( and other partners (MIMCom and MR4 ) to consolidate these grants.

The call

The effective use of malaria control tools and strategies in endemic areas results in significant reductions in malaria morbidity and mortality and interruption of local mosquito-borne malaria transmission. There is now renewed expectation of sustained effective control and possible elimination of the disease. The evolution and spread of resistance to drugs or insecticides along with failures in delivery systems however remain ever present threats in endemic areas. The need for a critical mass of researchers and institutions in Africa able to contextualize threats against effective malaria control and carry out research required for innovative and rapid responses to these threats remain clear and pressing. TDR on behalf of the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM), invites proposals for malaria research capacity strengthening grants to be hosted in African research, academic or public health institutions from 2010. The proposals must:

1. lead to the development of African scientific and public health leadership, and institutions with the capacity for high quality malaria research
2. address a specific challenge of malaria in Africa.

It is anticipated that up to 3 new grants will be awarded in early 2010 and funded for up to three years with a maximum annual budget of US$ 70,000. Progress will be evaluated annually and the grants may be renewed depending upon satisfactory reports. Proposals may be based on investigator initiated novel ideas on topics of relevance to the current malaria situation in Africa or studies complementing other ongoing research programmes in Africa.

Who can apply?
African investigators who:-

1. Work in research, academic or public health institutions in Africa.
2. Have experience in malaria research evidenced by peer reviewed scientific publications in the subject matter of the proposed research
3. Have national, regional or international research collaboration.

Individuals enrolled for academic degrees (e.g. Masters or Doctorate) are not eligible to apply.

How to apply
Selection of successful candidate will involve a two step process. The first step is the call for letters expressing interest in submitting a grant application. The letters of interest (LOI) will be evaluated based on scientific merit and relevance of the proposed idea, the potential contribution to development of research leadership in the host country and feasibility of the proposed work. The 10 most promising ideas will be developed by the investigators and submitted as full proposals.

The letter of interest not exceeding 3 pages, must contain the following information:-

1. Project title
2. Full name, title, qualifications and current position of the principal investigator
3. Scientific objectives and rationale
4. Study design and methods
5. Expected results and milestones towards their achievement
6. List and roles of investigators and research institutions involved
7. A brief description of the institutions involved and type of research capacity to be developed through the project
8. Estimated annual budget for the duration of the project
9. Other available support / capacity strengthening activities, added value of the MIM/TDR grant
10. List of 10 most relevant scientific publications by the principal investigator

Applications involving institutions with access to support for capacity building through other United Nations or International development agencies are strongly encouraged. Such support should be indicated with a clear explanation of the added value of the MIM/TDR grant.

The LOI must be submitted by e mail attachment as a "Word" (*.doc) file no later than 15 September 2008 to with copy to Authors of short listed letters of intent will be notified within 7 days of the deadline and invited to a proposal development workshop scheduled for 20 - 24 October 2008 in Abuja, Nigeria.

For additional information on the call for LOIs, please contact Dr Olumide Ogundahunsi:

1 Multilateral Initiative on Malaria: Justificatio, Evolution, Achievements, Challenges, Opportunities and Future Plans. Rugemalila et al., Am. J. Trop. Med Hyg., 77(Suppl 6), 2007, pp. 296 - 302.

2 Research themes and advances in malaria research capacity made by the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria. Nantulya et al., Am. J. Trop. Med Hyg., 77(Suppl 6), 2007, pp. 303 - 315.