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Join WWARN at the ASTMH 2014 Annual Meeting

WWARN Published Date

Will you be attending this year’s American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 63rd Annual Meeting? The WWARN team hopes to meet with you to exchange ideas on how we might work together, or alternatively, you can join our sessions to hear our latest results.

The WWARN team will have a meeting room space where we would be delighted to arrange a side meeting with you during the conference – you can find us Mon-Tues at the Marriot New Orleans Hotel in room La Galerie 2, and Wed-Thurs also in the Marriot at room Iberville.

Highlights from our sessions:

  • Monday, 03 Nov, 2014, 8:00 AM - The effect of artemisinin-combination therapy treatment options on P. falciparum gametocyte carriage: a pooled analysis of individual patient data
  • Wednesday, 05 Nov, 2014, 4:00 PM - Artemether-lumefantrine efficacy: potential for further dose optimization
  • Thursday, 06 Nov, 2014, 8:00 AM - Falsified medicines in Africa and public health - ‘No Action-Talk Only’

You can download a summary sheet of all WWARN and partner sessions to take to the event.

Gametocytes do not cause the symptoms linked with malaria infection, but are essential in continuing the cycle of infection between the mosquito vector and the human host, an important step of the malaria lifecycle. This year Dr Teun Bousema from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, will present the initial findings from the Gametocyte Carriage Study Group, a collaborative project co-led by Radboud University Medical Center, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and WWARN. The group is assessing the risk factors for treatment failure associated with gametocyte carriage and clearance across a range of endemic settings and drug treatments. Join Dr Bousema on Monday, November 3, in the session Malaria: Prevention of Transmission.

Dr Christian Nsanzabana, our Scientific Coordinator, will present on Wednesday, November 5 during the ‘Malaria: Chemotherapy - Malaria Treatment’ session. Dr Nsanzabana will be presenting the latest results on behalf of our Artemether-Lumefantrine (AL) Dose Impact Study Group. The Study Group has investigated the factors that increase the risk of treatment failure in children in Asia and Africa. The evidence provided by the analysis suggests that malnourished children may benefit from a higher dose of AL than currently recommended.

The use of both falsified and substandard antimalarial medicines threatens to drive further spread and emergence of antimalarial resistance. Moreover, these poor quality medicines  cause avoidable morbidity, mortality, and loss of confidence in national health systems, especially in lower and middle-income countries. Prof Paul Newton, Head of Antimalarial Quality at WWARN, will present findings from his recent study published in the Lancet Global Health, Falsified medicines in Africa and public health - ‘No Action-Talk Only’. This study, supported by WWARN and other collaborators, will discuss the analysis  by authorities in Angola of 1.4 million packages of falsified medicines confiscated in an imported shipment. Join this presentation on Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 8:00 AM during the session ‘Global Health: Health System Strengthening and Health Development’.

If you’re not able to join us then why not follow what’s happening at the conference over Twitter by following us on @WWARN. Read our latest news or email with your questions.

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