Alberto is a computer scientist and software engineer who spent the last decade working on various domains of computer science, from software engineering to machine learning, Despite the different angles and approaches used in his work, the constant has always been “health”. From an early experience with malaria data collection in Senegal to being the architect of digital health solutions, he has continuously nurtured a passion for public health.
In the past, he worked on the Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO) data platform to create a data-sharing environment [https://share.iddo.org/] for COVID-19 and NTDs.
He joined the Medicine Quality Research Group in 2022 and has started a DPhil to research the trading routes of falsified medicines. Network analysis will be used to map trade routes and geographical nodes, identifying where increased inspection and regulation may be most effective as well as to inform risk assessment, interventions, and optimisation of surveillance.
Alberto has a Master of Science in Computer Science, from the University of Geneva.