Eunice Kamaara, a professor of Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya, is an ethicist with over thirty-year experience in holistic health development participatory research and practice.
She holds a MSc in International Health Research Ethics and a PhD in African Christian Ethics and Serves as Ethics Reviewer in Medecins Sans Frotieres Ethics Review Board.
Professor Kamaara is also a Reviewer, Institutional Research Ethics of the Moi University College of Health sciences/Moi University (IREC) and a Member, WHO Committee, ‘Developing WHO Ethics Best Practice on Vaccine Research and Programme Evaluation’ December 2020-March 2021.
She served as chair/member of various Data Safety and Monitoring Boards, and is recognised by the World Health Organization among the Top 30 2019 Africa Health Innovations
Professor Kamaara has co-published on ethics issues around Covid-19