WWARN Clinical Trials Publication Library

A comprehensive, regularly updated compilation of all antimalarial clinical efficacy trials conducted and published since 1946.

Are you a malaria researcher looking to review existing clinical efficacy trials in the field? The free-to use WWARN Clinical Trials library is a comprehensive living systematic review of human-infecting plasmodium antimalarial efficacy clinical trials, from 1946 to the present day.

Access the library

Over 1,600 Clinical Efficacy Publications

Data from over 90 countries

Data from over 500,000 patients


The WWARN  Clinical Trials Publication  Library (WCTL) literature search  identifies antimalarial efficacy clinical trials on human plasmodium malaria published since 1946. Publication-level data is extracted to create a searchable  library, which is updated twice a year, to include the latest published trials. This open-access, downloadable database can be searched rapidly for relevant studies with pre-extracted publication-level data, thus speeding up evidence identification and synthesis.

The library is officially registered on the Open Science Framework, which means that our methodology is fully transparent and freely available publicly, to allow researchers to customise extraction and to increase reproducibility. 

Publication-level statistics in the library include:

  • P. Falciparum (1,255 studies), P. vivax (396 studies), both (102 studies), as well as other Plasmodium species (71)
  • Studies conducted in Africa (727), Asia (612), and South and Central America (118)
  • Children under age 5 (833 studies)
  • Pregnant women (69 studies)
  • Randomised (786) as well as single blinded (165) studies


A full list of variables included in the library:

1Accession Number of Publication
2Repeat Instrument
3Repeat Instance
4Authors of the Publication
5Year of Publication
6Title of Publication
7Journal of Publication
8Journal Volume
9Issue Number
10Pages of Article
11Clinical Trials Registration Number
12Region of Study
13Country of Study
14Language of the full text PDF
15First Year of Patient Recruitment
16Last Year of Patient Recruitment
17Was the Study Randomized?
18Was the Study Blinded?
19Did the study recruit subjects younger than 5 years of age?
20Did the study recruit subjects ages 5 to 15 years?
21Did the study recruit subjects older than 15 years?
22Did the study recruit Pregnant Women?
23Length of Follow-up (in Days)
24Plasmodium falciparum included in the study?
25Plasmodium vivax included in the study?
26Plasmodium ovale included in the study?
27Plasmodium malariae included in the study?
28Plasmodium knowlesi included in the study?
29Mixed Infection (Pf+Pv) included in the study?
30Does this study contain an ACT?
31Number of Patients Recruited in this Treatment Arm
32Verified Treatment Name
33Was the drug administration supervised in this Treatment Arm?
34Formulation of Drugs in this Treatment Arm (choice=Fixed-Dose Combination)
35Formulation of Drugs in this Treatment Arm (choice=Loose)
36Formulation of Drugs in this Treatment Arm (choice=Co-blister Pack)
37Formulation of Drugs in this Treatment Arm (choice=Not Specified)
38Manufacturer of Drugs in the Treatment Arm
39Name of Drug 1 in this Treatment Arm
40Name of Drug 2 in this Treatment Arm
41Name of Drug 3 in this Treatment Arm
42Name of Drug 4 in this Treatment Arm
43Name of Drug 5 in this Treatment Arm
44Name of Drug 6 in this Treatment Arm
45Is there an ACT in this Treatment Arm?
46Country of the study site
47Location of the study
48Latitude of this location
49Longitude of this location