
Below is a list of research publications published in scientific journals by WWARN and our research partners. Use the filters to explore the publications by research theme or by using our list of key words. All links lead to PubMed.

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Malaria Journal, 16:491

Published: 18 Dic 2017

Author(s): Makoto Saito, Mary Ellen Gilder, François Nosten, Philippe J. Guérin and Rose McGready

PMID: 29254487

Malaria Journal, 16:488

Published: 13 Dic 2017

Author(s): Makoto Saito, Mary Ellen Gilder, François Nosten, Rose McGready and Philippe J. Guérin

PMID: 29237461

Malaria Journal, 16:1

Published: 26 Oct 2017

Author(s): Dahal P, Simpson JA, Dorsey G, Guérin PJ, Price RN, Stepniewska K

PMID: 29073901

BMC Infectious Diseases, 17:575

Published: 17 Ago 2017

Author(s): C. Fanello, M. Onyamboko, S. J. Lee, C. Woodrow, S. Setaphan, K. Chotivanich, P. Buffet, S. Jauréguiberry, K. Rockett, K. Stepniewska, N. P. J. Day, N. J. White and A. M. Dondorp

PMID: 28818049

Malaria Journal

Published: 19 Mayo 2017

Author(s): Thriemer K1, Ley B, Bobogare A, Dysoley L, Alam M, Pasaribu AP, Sattabongkot J, Jambert E, Domingo GJ, Commons R, Auburn S, Marfurt J, Devine A, Aktaruzzaman MM, Sohel N, Namgay R, Drukpa T, Sharma SN, Sarawati E, Samad I, Theodora M, Nambanya S, , Ounekham S, Mudin RN, Da Thakur G, Makita LS, Deray R, Lee SE, Boaz L, Danansuriya MN, Mudiyanselage SD, Chinanonwait N, Kitchakarn S, Nausien J, Naket E, Duc TN, Do Manh H, Hong YS, Cheng Q, Richards JS, Kusriastuti R, , Satyagraha A, Noviyanti R, Ding XC33, Khan W, Swe Phru C, Guoding Z, Qi, Kaneko A, Miotto O, Nguitragool W, Roobsoong W, Battle K, Howes RE, Roca-Feltrer A, Duparc S, Bhowmick IP, Kenangalem E, Bibit JA, Barry A, Sintasath D, , Abeyasinghe R, Sibley CH, McCarthy J, von Seidlein L, Baird JK, Price RN.

PMID: 28381261

PLOS Medicine

Published: 16 Mayo 2017

Author(s): Abreha, T., Hwang, J., Thriemer, K., Tadesse, Y., Girma, S., Melaku, Z., Assef, A., Kassa, M., Chatfield, M.D., Landman, K.Z. and Chenet, S.M.

Malaria Journal, 16:195

Published: 12 Mayo 2017

Author(s): Mukherjee, Angana, et al.

PMID: 28494763