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Please contact us via email on for the detailed IDDO Data Access Guidelines 


This document records and demonstrates how IDDO embeds data protection by design and default into its data processing. While not required to complete a DPIA as a processor, IDDO maintains this DPIA as part of its data governance framework to achieve high standards, transparency and confidence in its handling of personal data.


IDDO’s Data Use Agreement complies with the data protection safeguards laid down in the GDPR and uses the International Data Transfer Agreement to comply with GDPR when making restricted transfers, in line with the Transfer Risk Assessment completed as part of IDDO’s Data Privacy Impact Assessment.

Please contact us via email on for the detailed IDDO Data Use Agreement


This document provides an overview of the data de-identification framework adopted by IDDO to preserve the privacy and data protection rights of the participants included in the research studies shared with IDDO.


IDDO maintains a current list of approved Sub-processors who process data on behalf of IDDO and in accordance with the Terms of Submission. All IDDO Sub-processors pass a Third-party Security Assessment conducted with the University of Oxford Information Compliance Team.


The technical and organisational measures presented in this document are implemented by IDDO in accordance with GDPR. They are continuously improved by IDDO to ensure a level of security appropriate to risk in relation to latest best practice.


These terms describe the rights and obligations of individuals and organisations who contribute data to the IDDO repository, and detail how the data are processed by IDDO and its Sub-processors, and accessed for research purposes.

Please contact us via email on for the detailed IDDO Terms of Submission