Pharmacology Publication Database
A comprehensive compilation of all antimalarial pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics studies conducted and published since 1934

The WWARN Pharmacology Publication Database provides a comprehensive compilation of all antimalarial pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics studies conducted and published since 1934. The database collates studies and reported results from malaria patients and healthy volunteers where samples were taken of drug compounds for analysis, providing a detailed summary of all available antimalarial pharmacology parameters.
The data is stratified into populations and summarised by drug combinations and the compound measured. Researchers can download the entire database or select relevant data extracts for reference. Instructions on how to use the database are included in the downloadable document.
This resource of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics publications allows you to readily see which studies have been conducted, compare your results to known parameters and ascertain where the gaps in antimalarial pharmacology research lie. It will enable you to focus your research on populations/areas where there is little or no data, such as with infants, children and pregnant women and to establish if your results are comparable to other groups, using similar assay methods and sample matrices.
This is the first version of the database and as such we welcome your suggestions to improve and enhance the tool. Email your feedback on the structure, usability and / or recommendations for other parameters to include to