Caroline Osoro is a PhD student in Epidemiology at the Department of Global Health of Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Her PhD is on strengthening evidence to policy pathways to improve management of malaria in pregnancy. She is supervised by Prof Taryn Young and Dr Eleanor Ochodo of the Department of Global Health (Stellenbosch University) as well as Prof Feiko ter Kuile of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
She has previously worked as a medical doctor in Nanyuki (Kenya) and a researcher at the Cancer Screening and Evaluation Unit, Department of Public Health of Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Her research involved microsimulation modelling to determine effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening interventions.
Caroline holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) from the University of Nairobi (Kenya) and a Master of Statistics in Epidemiology and Public Health Methodology (with distinction) from Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium.