IDDO’s latest newsletter is out
Read more about what we’ve been up to in our latest newsletter. There are updates on our research across COVID-19, malaria, medicine quality, febrile illness, Visceral leishmaniasis and you can sign up for our February 3 webinar - Radical cure of vivax malaria: can we do better?

Chaired by Professor Sir Nicholas White and Dr Chau Nguyen Hoang, our one-hour research event includes presentations and an expert discussion. Find out more and sign up.
Other highlights in this edition include our recent collaborative meta-analysis, commissioned by the WHO, which informed a change to its guidelines for treating uncomplicated malaria in the first trimester of pregnancy. While our Medicine Quality Research Group has been very busy, training researchers in Mozambique and Ghana to support a study into the quality of three antibiotics, and the group published two new studies which alert to the risk of poor-quality human antibiotics and veterinary antimicrobials.
There are also new publications from our febrile illness and COVID-19 platforms, and news about our work in malaria.
To stay up to date with our research, sign up to our IDDO newsletter or for more information about our work in malaria, sign up to the WWARN newsletter.