Find out all the latest news from WWARN
The latest WWARN newsletter is out now. Read more about our part in a new consortium tackling malaria drug resistance in South-East Africa, which is led by Professor Karen Barnes, of the University of Cape Town.

If you missed our webinar 'Radical cure of vivax malaria: can we do better?' the presentations and expert discussion, chaired by Professor Sir Nicholas White and Dr Chau Nguyen Hoang, are now available on our YouTube channel.
Plus, read our latest studies, 'Malaria patient spectrum representation in therapeutic clinical trials of uncomplicated malaria: a scoping review of the literature' and 'Environmental DNA as an innovative technique to identify the origins of falsified antimalarial tablets – a pilot study of the pharmabiome'.
Other highlights include: a blog by the World Economic Forum on the power of data; more about our recent presentation on our equitable approach to data collaborations in global health research at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference (CUGH) in Washington, DC; and we welcome IDDO's new Associate Director James Watson.
To stay up to date with our malaria research, sign up to our WWARN newsletter or for more information about our wider work, sign up to the IDDO newsletter.