CDISC resources
CDISC launched a task force in March with several member organisations and partners, including IDDO, to rapidly develop an Interim User Guide and related materials to represent data in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CDISC Interim User Guide
The Interim User Guide, freely available on the CDISC website, provides examples and guidance on implementing CDISC standards for studies pertaining to COVID-19 so that researchers can collect, structure and analyse data more effectively.
ISARIC WHO Case Report Form (CRF)
COVID-19 CRFs have been made available for the collection of standardised clinical data to improve patient care and inform the public health response. The ISARIC-WHO Case Report Forms (CRFs) should be used to collect data on individuals presenting with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. The forms are available in multiple languages.
CDISC released an annotated case report form and a mapping spreadsheet to support public health researchers utilising the Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Acute Respiratory Infection Clinical Characterisation Data Tool. The Data Tool was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Severe Acute Respiratory and emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC) and is being used as the foundation for many COVID-19 research studies in over 40 countries.
To access, download the zip file for ‘Resources for Public Health Researchers’ from CDISC Interim User Guide page.
Informational Webinar
Listen to the COVID-19 Interim User Guide Project Review Webinar