Dr Elizabeth George
Lead of Severe Malaria Theme
Principal Research Fellow
Research Theme

Elizabeth is a statistician and researcher. For the last 15 years she has been working on clinical trials in the area of acutely sick children presenting to hospitals in Africa. These have included trials looking at fluid resuscitation for paediatric shock, blood transfusion volumes for severe anaemia, antibiotics and other adjunctive therapies for severe malaria and bacterial coinfection, and fluids for children with gastroenteritis with or without severe malnutrition. 

Elizabeth is a co-investigator for a research consortium on research and trials for severe malaria in Africa. She is passionate about conducting high quality clinical trials, and adding that data, and data from observational studies together through evidence synthesis and data re-use. This enables us to answer key questions and provide evidence for guidelines in treatment of children when they present to hospital in Africa with severe malaria and other infectious diseases.