
The IDDO Board, a Scientific Advisory Committee, and the IDDO Secretariat are responsible for the overall functioning and governance of the MQ research theme.

IDDO Board 

The IDDO Board supports decision-making, approves new initiatives and has overall responsibility for the strategic direction and activities of IDDO.

MQ Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) advises on the technical and research activities of the theme. Appointed from across the medicine quality and broader scientific research community, SAC members have significant expertise in research, pharmacy, ethics and policy.

The SAC provides independent scientific expertise, guidance and support to the Medicine Quality Group, IDDO Senior Management, IDDO Board and the MORU Tropical Health Network.

The SAC is a forum for independent discussion and advice on diverse ethical, scientific and political challenges facing the Medicine Quality Group, such as the appropriate dissemination of information and data sharing, ethical issues of sampling, and on relationships with the pharmaceutical industry, governments, NGOs, academia, regulators and international organisations. The SAC provides feedback and perspectives from wider stakeholders in the scientific community in areas of relevance to Medicine Quality.

IDDO Secretariat

The IDDO Secretariat manages the operational, technical, legal and administrative activities related to IDDO aspects of hosting the MQ research theme.