IDDO facilitates collaborative Study Groups to undertake individual patient data meta-analyses to answer specific research questions about visceral leishmaniasis (VL) treatments.
Download freely-available poverty-related infectious disease case report forms (CRF) for VL and VL HIV coinfection which have been annotated using CDISC standards.
Discover the first interactive online tool that displays the details of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) clinical trials across geographic locations and time.
We are building a global resource of data collected for the treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL).
The VL research theme is providing the foundation for a series of research activities designed to answer key research questions based on available VL clinical trial studies conducted across the world.
Click for a list of VL publications published in scientific journals by IDDO and WWARN and our research partners.
Here you can find a collection of tools and resources to support harmonised data collection, better data management, data analysis and more robust research for VL.