ACT Partner Drug Molecular Surveyor

Displays published malaria drug resistance markers over time and location of molecular markers found in P. falciparum pfmdr1 and pfcrt genes.

The ACT Partner Drug Molecular Surveyor

The ACT Partner Drug Molecular Surveyor (link is external)is an interactive mapping tool that provides researchers and policy makers with an overview of the changes in the prevalence of molecular markers associated with malaria drug resistance over time and location. It helps to inform international, regional and national surveillance strategies. 

The ACT Partner Drug Molecular Surveyor

  • Summarises baseline data from more than 821 published and unpublished studies on molecular markers of antimalarial drug resistance between 1990 and February 2024
  • Focuses on resistance markers for piperaquine (PPQ), amodiaquine (AQ), lumefantrine (LUM) and mefloquine (MQ) found in Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite pfmdr1pfcrt, and pfpm2 genes
  • Enables filtering of data based on antimalarial treatment type, resistance marker, country, sample size and time
  • Displays further detailed information about all the studies selected within the Surveyor in summary and reference tables
  • Allows downloads of data as a csv file
  • Permits you to view the study site and country by hovering the mouse cursor over a map pin. You can then click on the pin to view more detailed information about the study site, and click on the publication tab to view the associated publication within PubMed


Discover the methods behind the Surveyor(link is external)

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Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO) (2015): The ACT Partner Drug Molecular Surveyor. Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. (InteractiveResource).