
Below is a list of research publications published in scientific journals by IDDO and WWARN and our research partners. Use the filters to explore the publications by research theme or by using our list of key words. If you cannot find a publication, please email


PLoS One

Published: 9 Sep 2016

Author(s): Dunning J, Kennedy SB, Antierens A, Whitehead J, Ciglenecki I, Carson G, Kanapathipillai R, Castle L, Howell-Jones R, Pardinaz-Solis R, Grove J, Scott J, Lang T, Olliaro P, Horby PW for the RAPIDE-BCV clinical trial team

PMID: 27611077

Tropical Medicine & International Health

Published: 21 Jun 2016

Author(s): Tabernero P, et al.

Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy

Published: 14 Jun 2016

Author(s): Newton, P., Caillet, C., Guerin, P.

Malaria Journal

Published: 1 Jun 2016

Author(s): 47. Bassat, Q. et al.

New England Journal of Medicine

Published: 11 Mayo 2016

Author(s): Merson L, et al.

PLos Medicine

Published: 19 Abr 2016

Author(s): Dunning J, Sahr F, Rojek A, Gannon F, Carson G, Idriss B, Massaquoi T, Gandi R, Joseph S, Osman HK, Brooks TJG, Simpson AJH, Goodfellow I, Thorne L, Arias A, Merson L, Castle L, Howell-Jones R, Pardinaz-Solis R, Hope-Gill B, Ferri M, Grove J, Kowalski M, Stepniewska K, Lang T, Whitehead J, Olliaro P, Samai M, Horby PW, for the RAPIDE-TKM trial team

PMID: 27093560